Will It Shoot? Let’s See If These Cameras Still Work!

Will It Shoot? #004 – The Canon SureShot 60 Zoom Date AF
This is a great compact and easy to use Point & Shoot that takes amazing pictures, but has one major short coming. Read on to find out what to watch out for with this camera.

Will It Shoot? #003 – The Nikomat EL: Shoot A Girl U Like by Chris Foster
There is something special about Nikon lenses that really makes this camera special.
This was a hard camera to let go of, but Chris is now the new owner and he’s capturing beautiful images with it.

Will It Shoot? #002 – The Canon FTb
The Canon FTb was an absolute joy to shoot and I cannot say enough good things about this camera. and the images it produced. I’m sure I can convince you to pick up one of these cameras for your collection.

Will It Shoot? #001 – The Canon Canonet G-III QL17
An affordable Rangefinder that’s easy to use and looks great too!
Let’s see if it shoots.