Photography Tips & Tricks & Everything In Between

PhotoTipster’s Best Photography Tip For Beginners
What if I told you the best Photography Tip I learned as a beginner had nothing to do with the settings on my camera? This is my #1 Photography Tip I teach all of my students.

5 SLR Film Cameras – 5 B&W Films – 5 Photographers
If you’re in the market for used SLR Film Cameras here’s a great article with sample images shot using 5 different SLR’s with 5 different B&W Film Stocks by 5 different photographers.

A Neutral Density Filter Guide For Creative Photography
The filter every Photographer will eventually need.
Find out why in this article!

Camera Lens Rental From Borrow Lenses
Why not try out a lens and see if you like it before buying it.
With you can!

What is a Circular Polarizer Filter? Why Do I Need One?
Looking to add some POP to your photos?
A Polarizer Filter may be just what you need!